
Strawberries May Inhibit Pre-Cancerous Esophageal Lesion Growth

strawberry health benefits

A small scale study conducted by researchers at Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center has shown that consumption of strawberries may inhibit the growth of precancerous esophageal lesions. Your health care provider will determine the possibilities of this study.

The study followed 36 adults with an average age of 54 who had either mild or moderate precancerous lesions of the esophagus. The only lifestyle change that subjects were instructed to make was eating 2 ounces of freeze dried strawberries per day. At the conclusion of the study biopsies revealed that 29 of the 36 participants had a decrease in precancerous esophageal lesions.

While the information in this study appears to be very promising, health care providers probably won’t be recommending the use of strawberries as a method of treatment for esophageal cancer just yet. Further research and broader, more comprehensive studies will be required in order to determine if strawberries present a viable course of treatment for people at risk of esophageal cancer.

Until a stronger connection between strawberries and esophageal cancer can be established health care providers suggest adopting other lifestyle changes for reducing your risk for esophageal cancer. Following a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, avoiding smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol and working to achieve and maintain a healthy weight are all great ways to reduce cancer risk.

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